প্রকাশিত: ১৩/০২/২০১৮ ৮:১৩ এএম , আপডেট: ১৭/০৮/২০১৮ ৬:৪১ এএম


Water Sanitation & Hygiene Superviosr

SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL is an international humanitarian organization based in Paris, France, which provides aid and assistance to victims of war and natural disasters. For the past 35 years, the organization’s vocation has been to meet the three vital needs – drinking, eating and sheltering – of vulnerable populations around the world. Our programs mainly focus on emergency relief actions related to water and sanitation but also related to food security as well as shelter and infrastructure rehabilitation and reconstruction.

Water Sanitation & Hygiene Superviosr

Affectation: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Start of the activities: March 01, 2018
Number of positions: 01
Duration of the contract: up to December 31, 2018 (with possibility of extension)

Responsibilities and description of tasks:

Under the supervision of the WASH Program Manager, the WASH Program Supervisor will carry out and oversee the activities related to access to Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and Waste Management (WM) activity in Slums of Dhaka city, ensuring that Solidarites International technical recommendations and procedures are followed.

His/ her main responsibilities in below:

Project relevance, quality and design

Supervise and monitor WASH and WM training for slum CSOs
Organize WASH and WM training for Ward and central CSOs
Design the WASH and WM need assessment, mid-term and final survey by Slum CSOs
Organize hygiene promotion strategy workshop
Develop slum CSO WASH and WM scheme with WASH officers and Program Manager
Support to slum CSOs to implement the WASH and WM scheme with WASH officers and Program Manager
Carry out community assessments, beneficiary selection processes, and community consultations.
Supervise and facilitate all community engagement. Ensure quality and accountability of community engagement activities by following the procedures of SI and recommended methods
Carry out all monitoring and evaluation activities, including water quality testing, Water traffic survey, hand washing observation, transect mapping and KAP surveys
Communicate and plan with the partner to organise and carry out joint activities
Support in BoQ preparation may be required
Support Water Officer for water quality testing
Develop a weekly activities plan, approved by his/her Program Manager, in order to achieve the required objectives defined in the project proposal.
Ensure that weekly briefings are held with the PM to update on progress on the WASH and WM
Ensure that within weekly activities plan, the following aspects are included:
Plan human resources needs (daily workers, workers…)
Plan tool and material needs (request from stock in advance)
Anticipate administrative issues (requests in advance)
Anticipate logistics issues (transport, communication means…)
Anticipate delays on program activities and update planning when delays occur
Report back any problems and constraints encountered during the course of the activities and suggest operational solutions
Organize and carry out, with his/her team, tasks assigned by his/her Program Manager
Respect schedules and deadlines agreed upon with his/her Program Manager
Train and build the capacity and supervise the WASH Officers
Logistics and Administration

Prepare the daily workers payment sheet and payment documents for workers/contractors (assisting in post-BoQs, bills preparation).
Support the Program Manager in preparation of monthly forecast of WASH and WM expenses and IOFs
Ensure that safety procedures are followed by members of his/her team.
Monitor the quality and quantity of material delivered to areas of intervention.
Ensure the receipt and storage of material and equipment necessary for his/her work to be carried out in the field and the warehouse at the office level
Ensure the support in stock monitoring
Ensure the good respect of working conditions while in office or in the field, especially the respect to SI code of conduct and standard operating procedures for the area of operation and safety rules on the construction sites.
Ensure biannual staff appraisals are conducted and together with the Program Manager, identify staff training needs and follow up for appropriate action with the WASH PM, with recommendations for training and other capacity building measures
Reporting / communication

Take part in weekly program meetings
Participate in building M&E tools and strengthen the program team capacity on using them
Track the usage of provided monitoring tools and suggest necessary changes
Keep his/her monitoring tools and files archived in the Solidarités office, accessible to his/her Program Manager
Draw up and submit a weekly task report (which should include progress made by the team) to his/her PM and point out challenges faced in the implementation and propose mitigation measures.
Take part in the drafting of the monthly program pack (APU)
Establish and maintain good relations with Las, CSOs in the field
Listen to the population and local participants in the field and report to his/her Program Manager any non-technical or safety-related issues which could affect the activities or safety of Solidarités International teams
Strengthen the communication & knowledge-flow linkages between the field and his/her Program Manager
Support team to prepare and share the WASH ad WM case study report
Qualifications and Competencies:

Proven experience in liaison / coordination with local authorities
Bachelor in relevant field
Minimum of 2-5 years professional experience in humanitarian and/or development programs implementation and management,
Sound knowledge of project cycle management is an asset;
Good diplomatic and negotiation skills;
Able to work autonomously and strong leadership skills, with the ability to inspire and build staff competences and achieve results through others
Good understanding experience with MS Office applications, including Excel
Ability and willingness to field travel for work
Ability to work independently in a team and the community.
Good interpersonal and communication skill.
Salary Range: Monthly consolidated salary BDT 63,300 and other benefits as per HR policy of SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL.

ORG CHART POSITION (reporting and functional relationships)
Line Manager: WASH PM
Supervise to: WASH officer /HP officer

Application dead line: Sunday, 25th February 2018.

অাবেদন করুন


Only short listed candidates will be invited for test and interview.
“SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL promotes diversity in its workforce”

পাঠকের মতামত

নানা সুবিধা দিয়ে চাকরি দেবে ওয়ার্ল্ড ভিশন,কর্মস্থল কক্সবাজারে

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প্রাইমারি/এসএসসি পাসে চাকরির সুযোগ দিচ্ছে ব্র্যাক, কর্ম এলাকা রোহিঙ্গা ক্যাম্প

বেসরকারি উন্নয়ন সংস্থা ব্র্যাকে ‘টেকনিক্যাল অ্যাসিস্ট্যান্ট’ পদে জনবল নিয়োগ দেওয়া হবে। আগ্রহীরা আগামী ২৮ ফেব্রুয়ারি ...

রিফিউজি ক্রাইসিস রেসপন্সে নিয়োগ দিচ্ছে ওয়ার্ল্ড ভিশনে

বেসরকারি উন্নয়ন সংস্থা ওয়ার্ল্ড ভিশন বাংলাদেশ নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশ করেছে। সংস্থাটি বাংলাদেশ রিফিউজি ক্রাইসিস রেসপন্স ...

ওয়ার্ল্ড ভিশনে চাকরি, সাপ্তাহিক ছুটি ২দিন,কর্মস্থল: কক্সবাজার 

বেসরকারি উন্নয়ন সংস্থা ওয়ার্ল্ড ভিশন বাংলাদেশ নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশ করেছে। সংস্থাটি প্রকল্প সহকারী পদে জনবল ...